Sunday, February 24, 2008

one of the top worst smells ever.

that is it.
i cannot stand those 100-calorie popcorn bag get-up things.
i'm OVER them.
they burn almost every time. even when you are standing too close to the microwave, counting 2-3 seconds between pops.
i burned a bag yesterday and another one today and my house reeks.
over the popcorn right now. did i mention that yet?


Ky • said...

Oh, blech. The smell of burnt popcorn is the worst. Ew. said...

That's so weird. We eat them every night. Maybe its your microwave??? A. has an exact time... 112 he puts it on for.

That stinks..... literally!

Dri said...

Yuck. The smell of burnt popcorn is REALLY bad. And it lingers....