Monday, April 28, 2008

ignorace was bliss.

when i was in 8th grade we had to do a paper on a controversial topic. when i asked my friend, Lauren, what she would write about - assuming she'd say abortion, the death penalty or the like - you could imagine my surprise when she said "euthanasia".

i could NOT figure out what was so controversial about a child looking like this.
she MIGHT have been kind in replying, "no, not youth in asia...euthanasia", and continued to explain the Kevorkian controversies of the day.

2 comments: said...

That made me LOL. But I do remember not understanding what people were talking about when they said that (when I was younger).

I personally would rather read a paper on "Youth In Asia."

Amber said...

I did a speech on euthanasia in 8th grade! It was hard to get started because I really was looking for information under 'y' for youth.