Sunday, January 01, 2012

oh {scary} new year

wha...wha...what?! 2012? huh.

not trying to make too many promises that i can't keep, but i would like to do the following this year:
1). in the next week, set up some automatic debit to a new charity of choice.
2). try to remember more often (more often than NEVER) to take all of these reusable bags to the grocery store so i don't have this massive collection of plastic bags
3). train for and complete a 10 mile or 1/2 marathon race.

and that concludes my not-too-over-the-top hopes/resolutions for 2012

(P.S. - it is very disturbing what one finds when one looks at Google images for 2012. i really don't want the world to end....just sayin')

1 comment:

Ky • said...

:) Happy New Year, dear friend. Love oyu.