Thursday, August 09, 2012

a few things on thursday.

1). a random picture of my pug amongst the ruins of my friend's crazy tree/yard situation.  all was fine, but some old trees needed to come down.  they were HUGE and beautiful.

2). i've eaten enough cherries this week to last a lifetime.  there is something about these fresh cherries that make me happy and i just can't stop eating them.  on a related but unrelated note, i really am craving cottage cheese.  you would think i'm pregnant's not true.

3).  related to being pregnant (when i am not), is that i feel like i've been nesting lately.  hanging things on walls, picking things out to hang on walls in the future.  organizing.  thinking of all these things i need to purchase to have on hand for the fall when my life is really chaotic for at least 4 months straight.

4). i have a couple of weeks left of NO school (classes) and just work and a little jaunt to Ohio.  OMG - 15 year high school reunion. stop it.  it has NOT been that long since i graduated from high school.

5). that's it for Thursday.


Ky • said...

1. Marls looks like she's doing well.

2. That was a huge tree.

3. YUM! Cherries. I ate a bunch when I was in Ohio, too. (They're like $15 here in Cabo. Yeah. Right.)

4. 15-year-reunion? Stop it.

Wrestling Kitties said...

Oh, I haven't seen a picture of Marley in awhile!! love seeing your adorable pooch.

I love fresh cherries. I tried them for the first time 2 years ago. I hate cherry flavored stuff, so I avoided fresh cherries thinking they tasted the same. As if! They are amazing and nothing like artificial cherry flavoring, who knew...probably everyone but me :) This time of year I also devour cherries.

Enjoy your time before school! Terry starts back up in a couple weeks too and has been going through a similar "nesting" phase :) I come home and there is always a new project done. awesome.

My 15 year is next year, I think. I won't be going, but I did go to Terry's 20 year (WOWZER) a couple weekends ago. I was one of the younger people there....i enjoyed that part :)

Unknown said...

I started eating cottage cheese when I got pregnant with Chanelle. . and I haven't stopped. It's a sickness, really.

Perhaps you need to announce something? ;)

I never eat cherries. . .unless you count the one that comes in my Shirley Temple.

(just kidding about that last one. . . )

Love you!!